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Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the LODR
- Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
- Details of business
- Terms and conditions of appointment of Independent Director’s.
- Composition of various committees of Board of Directors.
- Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel.
- Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy
- Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors, if the same has not been disclosed in annual report.
- Policy on dealing with related party transactions.
- The email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details.
- Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances.
- New name and the old name of the listed entity for a continuous period of one year, from the date of the last name change.
- Disclosure of the policy for determination of materiality of events or information.
- Disclosure of the policy for determining 'material' subsidiaries.
- Dividend distribution policy by listed entities based on market capitalization.
- Annual return as provided under section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder.
- Contact details of KMP under Regulation 30
- Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) as specified in regulation 32
- Shareholding Pattern
- Statement of Deviation or Variation in Utilisation of Funds