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Creative Director,


“Working at the highest international levels in design and brand building, and collaborating with some of the best talent in the world for over 13 years, has been the adventure of a lifetime. 

Walking through the old towns of Turkey… Discovering the culture of Shanghai… Sitting with locals in freezing Norway… My career in design was magical. It took me to the intersection of technology and culture—at the very confluence of the old and new—which became my inspiration. 

And as Creative Director, I enjoyed bringing the larger vision alive, alongside looking into the nitty-gritty of research, design, and community. 

"I was privileged enough to bring back everything I imbibed and apply it to my work in India. My life and my work have been surreal—a dream come true…"


And when in 2021, the opportunity at Ola came about, it was the foundation of an innovative technology company, rooted in India, that immediately sparked my interest. The vast ecosystem of EV and sustainability were unexplored frontiers. And as Creative Director, I enjoyed bringing the larger vision alive, alongside looking into the nitty-gritty of research, design, and community. 

"It is a whole new world. And the work we do is unparalleled."

One of the projects close to my heart was the strategy and identity design as an editorial form for our Ola Futurefactory. We spent days at the 500+ acre land surrounded by the hills of Krishnagiri in the South of India, at the largest two wheeler factory in the world. And we absorbed cutting-edge technology, innovation and AI, all of which happens at breakneck speed by an all-women team. The atmosphere was exhilarating—a world of its own, that one never wants to leave. 

And through our book, we tried to capture the beauty and expanse of it.


"The design aficionado in me has been over the moon since I joined Ola."

I get to create and build a space to narrate and explore design through a collision of ideas, perspectives, stories, and culture. 

Everyday, I get to work with a talented pool of young creative minds, nudging the ceiling of everything that is new in the design world. 

It feels like life has come full circle for me. What began with bringing home learnings from the world, has now progressed to taking our work to the world.”

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